Logo Restrictions
Our logos should be used with the appropriate spacing and sizing to make them more visible and distinguish them from surrounding elements. The o-height from the “o” in “Columbia” defines the minimum clear space that should be maintained around the logo to separate it from surrounding elements. Our logos must be large enough to be legible.
Print Materials
In print, the minimum width is 1.0 inches for the Core Brand logo and CUIMC vertical logos and 1.5 inches for the CUIMC horizontal logos.
Web or Digital Content
On the web, the minimum width is 125 pixels on screen for the Core Brand logo and CUIMC vertical logos and 175 pixels for the CUIMC horizontal logos.
Clear Space

Minimum Size
Core Brand
Minimum Width = 1.0” print/125px web
Horizontal logo
Minimum Width = 1.5" print/175px web
Vertical Logo
Columbia Minimum Width = 1.0" print/125px web
Logo Usage Restrictions
Use the logos provided by CUIMC Communications. Do not modify them. For usage questions, please contact CUIMC Communications.

- Do not add a bevel or emboss
- Do not reconfigure or change sizes
- Do not change colors
- Do not disproportionation
- Do not outline in any color
- Do not recreate elements
- Do not add a drop shadow or glow
- Do not place it on a busy background
- Do not change the orientation
- Do not change the background color
- Do not crop in any way
- Do not place it on a similar color